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 SOBITS was founded in 2000 by Professor Choi Yongwoon
 some students in his lab taking the first step.
 Since then, and for more than 21 years, SOBITS has been creating value
 through research and development in the field of life support robots.


_SINCE_2000 21 YEARS

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 No matter how great man’s technological progress may be, there is nothing as essential for the development of business as harmony among men.
-- いかなる技術的な発展があったとしても、人間の和ほど事業の発展に大切なものはない。
 机に向かって勉強を熱心にこなし、テストで高得点を取る人が成果を出すとは限りません。 目的を自ら明確にし、目標に向かって試行錯誤し、時には協力し合うような人材がより良い研究をしてきました。 せっかく大学に来るのなら、”太平洋で泳ぐ”ような感覚でなんでもやってみることが飛躍の礎になるでしょう。
教授 崔 龍雲

 “No matter how great man's technological progress may be, there is nothing as essential for the development of business as harmony among men.”
 It is not always those who study diligently at their desks and get high scores on tests who produce results. People who have clear objectives, work toward those objectives through trial and error, and sometimes cooperate with each other have been able to conduct better research.
 If you are going to come to university, you should try everything as if you were "swimming in the Pacific Ocean," as this will be the foundation for a great leap forward.
Professor Choi Yongwoon