
Technical exchange meeting was held with Gyeongsang National University in Korea!


その後,本学理工学部情報システム工学科崔研究室との交流会を行いました. 崔研究室はロボットを用いたデモンストレーションや実機ロボットの研究,開発について発表を行い, 活発にディスカッションを行いました.双方の学生にとって大変有意義な時間となりました.

Gyeongsang National University in Korea and the College of Science and Technology in Tohoku University have concluded an exchange agreement.
On Friday, January 12, representatives from Gyeongsang National University visited our campus to sign an interdepartmental exchange agreement between the Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, College of Engineering, Gyeongsang National University and the College of Science and Technology, Tohoku University.
Afterwards, they had an exchange meeting with Choi Laboratory, Department of Information Systems Engineering, College of Science and Technology, Gyeongsang National University. Choi's laboratory gave a demonstration using a robot and presented research and development of a real robot.
We had a lively discussion. It was a very meaningful time for both students.