


・丹治 誠福島市議会議員のお話から,様々な考えや立場の住民によりそう柔軟な対応を心がけながらも,除染・福島復興への強い意欲を常にもって活動しておられることがわかりまし た。現場で苦闘する市政に対し,国政はいかにあるべきか考えさせられました。
・国道6号線を実際に通過して,避難区域内の警備・警らの状況,人が住めない町並み,除染で出た汚染物質の状況などを観察し,空間線量率を測定しました(最大 7μSv/h)。
・福島市内の宿泊所付近,花見山公園,阿武隈川河川敷,国道6号線ぞいの富岡町などで測定した空間線量率と,現地で採取した土壌,水サンプルの放射能,γ線ス ペクトルを示しました。採取した土壌から,高い放射能が検出されています(最大15000Bq/kg)。
 福島原発事故はまだ続いている。ほとんど報道されないから といって,決して忘れ去られてはならない。我々は,過去の事実から学ばない野蛮な存在になってはな らない。復 興への力強い取り組みとともに,国政には県民・国民の健康を守るべく慎重な対応が求められる。

・After Fukushima nuclear plant accident, four and a half years passed. We carried out the 2nd Fukushima field work on 8/30 to 31, 2015.
・We heard from Chief Director Tsukada of the Auschwitz Museum, a useful suggestion to lead to criticism of the modern rationalism from the viewpoint of the building.
・We heard from Makoto Tanji member of a Fukushima-city municipal assembly. He gives a so flexible response to the inhabitants various thoughts and situation .He always has strong will to decontamination, Fukushima revival and is active.
Many member of a municipal assembly like him have a hard fight on that. We were made to think about how the government should be.
・We really passed National highway No. 6 and observed the situation of the guard, the patrol in the evacuation zone, the cityscape which a person cannot live in, the situation of the pollutant which appeared by decontamination, and measured air dose rate(Up to 7μSv/h).
・We measured in Fukushima city, Mt. Hanami Park, Abukuma riverbed,  Tomioka-town along National highway No. 6.
We showed air dose rate, and the radioactivity of the soil ,water sample gathered locally, a gamma beam spectrum. From the soil we gathered, high radioactivity is detected (up to 15000Bq/kg).
・Of Watari, Fukushima-city district, from a change of the air dose rate before and after the decontamination, we calculated an effect of decontaminating there.
・We introduce Fukushima-city radiation education instruction document, compare the first edition with H27 year revised edition.
・We showed the map according to the dose of radioactivity of Oguraji and Watari of Fukushima-city. There was the area  needed re-decontamination.
 The Fukushima nuclear plant accident still continues. We must learn from a past fact. It is necessary for the government to do a powerful action to revival and a careful action to follow the health of a citizen of the prefecture, the nation.