Vocabulary 3: Structural clues
Knowing what part off speech a word is can help us 'guess' its meaning by narrowing down the choices we have. The major parts of speech are noun, verb, adjective and adverb. Remember a noun is a lifeform, a thing or a concept: a verb is a 'doing' word: an adjective is used to describe a noun: an adverb is used to describe a veb or an adjective.

If you can work out what part of speech an unknown word is, then it becomes much easier to use context or word parts to 'guess' its meaning.
Task 1: Look at the following sentence.
The engineer welded the two pieces of metal together.
What part of speech is welded? Now from the context try to 'guess' the meaning.
Task 2: Look at another sentence.
The weld connecting the two pieces of metal was actually stronger than the pieces of metal it joined.
What part of speech is weld? Did the meaning you 'guessed' in Task 1 still make sense. Check in your dictionary to find the meaning of weld.

Task 3: Look at the following sentences and try to identify the part of speech and the meaning of the words in bold.
1) When I was a boy, the tents we used when we went camping were made of canvas.
What part of speech is canvas? _____________
What do you think it means? _____________
2) Now almost all tents are made of a synthetic fabric such as nylon or rayon.
What part of speech is synthetic? _____________
What do you think it means? _____________
3) Each day we hiked about 20 kilometres, carrying our food, clothes and tents in our very heavy rucsacs. In the late afternoon, we would look for a good place to camp. When we found one we would pitch our tents, light a fire and start to prepare our evening meal.
What part of speech is pitch? _____________
What do you think it means? _____________

Task 4: Look at the following sentences and try to identify the part of speech and the meaning of the words in bold.

4) The most well known amphibious fish is the mudskipper. These fish often crawl onto land and can survive for up to three days out of the water.
What part of speech is amphibious? _____________
What do you think it means? _____________
5) Most fish can only breath by passing water through their gills, but mudskippers are also able to breath air through their skin and the roof of their mouth.
What part of speech is gills? _____________
What do you think it means? _____________

Task 5: Look at the following sentences and try to identify the part of speech and the meaning of the words in bold.

6) When two electrodes are placed in an electrolyte and a voltage is applied, the electrolyte will conduct electricity.
What part of speech is voltage? _____________
What do you think it means? _____________
7) An electrolyte is a substance containing free ions that behaves as an electrically conductive medium.
What part of speech is conductive? _____________
What do you think it means? _____________
8) Electroplating is the process of using electrical current to coat an electrically conductive object with a relatively thin layer of metal.
What part of speech is coat? _____________
What do you think it means? _____________
9) In electroplating tanks, the electrolyte simultaneously deposits metal onto the object to be plated, and electrically connects that object in the circuit.
What part of speech is simultaneously? _____________
What do you think it means? _____________

Task 6: Look at the following sentences and try to identify the part of speech and the meaning of the words in bold.

10) There are many unicellular organisms, bacteria being one example.
What part of speech is unicellular? _____________
What do you think it means? _____________
11) The human body contains many different organs, such as the heart, lung, and kidney, with each organ performing a different function. Cells also have a set of "little organs," called organelles, that are adapted and/or specialized for carrying out one or more vital functions.
What part of speech is organelle? _____________
What do you think it means? _____________
12) In cell biology, a mitochondrion (plural mitochondria) is a membrane-enclosed organelle, found in most eukaryotic cells.
What part of speech is membrane-enclosed? _____________
What do you think it means? _____________
What part of speech is eukaryotic? _____________
What do you think it means? _____________

Task 7: In the sentences above we saw four very common types of adjective endings. What are they? Fill in the table.
Some common adjective endings

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